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The Federation of Riders Infant and Junior Schools

Standing together with our community to unlock opportunity and secure achievement for all.

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The Federation of Riders Infant and Junior Schools

Standing together with our community to unlock opportunity and secure achievement for all.







The result of a single incidentSeries of incidents - repeated and prolongedMultiple traumatic events - overlapping or in succession

a recent, single traumatic event (e.g., car crash, violent assault).


Acute trauma is the most common type of trauma. Acute trauma refers to a single, isolated traumatic event such as physical assault, motor vehicle accident, medical emergency or a natural disaster. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, acute trauma is often connected with short-term post-traumatic stress disorder.

Trauma that can be ongoing, perpetrated by a caregiver with a sense of betrayal. Examples may be childhood abuse sexual, physical or emotional, by the caregiver, or trusted family friend. Complex trauma often has interpersonal consequences longterm and can affect future relationships. We often seen difficulties with regulating emotions, shame , guilt and even disassociation. The key words to remember with complex trauma are caregiver, sense of betrayal and happening during childhood.

Ongoing trauma that happens over and over, this can happen in childhood or in adulthood. Examples are domestic violence, war, repeated natural disasters, and being abused repeatedly as a child or an adult.


Complex or Chronic trauma in children during fundamental years of development can lead to lifelong impacts in their social, emotional and mental health. This can have lasting impacts on the rest of their lives if their need is unmet.

