The Federation of Riders Infant and Junior Schools
Standing together with our community to unlock opportunity and secure achievement for all.
Welcometo our Federation
Mrs Lewis and Mrs Pagdin are our Home School Link Workers. If you have any worries, questions or things you would like to discuss they are always happy to help. You can contact them via the school office or you may like to pop into one of their Coffee Clubs which are held in the Parent Room on a Tuesday afternoon from 2pm until 3pm or Wednesday morning from 9am until 10am. They also hold various courses for parents throughout the year e.g reading, family learning, Confident Parents. Both of our Home School Link Workers work throughout the school holidays, so at least one of them can always be contacted. You can contact them via the school office, or on the following numbers:
Mrs Lewis: 07540 930111
Mrs Pagdin: 07785 623531