The Federation of Riders Infant and Junior Schools
Standing together with our community to unlock opportunity and secure achievement for all.
Welcometo our Federation
We really want your child to be in school every day that they are well enough and possibly able to come. Children must attend school on time every day. Lateness can affect attendance and hinder your child's learning and progress.
When children are not at school, there is potentially a safeguarding risk and the school must know of your child's whereabouts at all times, the reasons as to why they are not in school, when absent, and be able to contact you.
There is a clear expectation that all children attend school every day, and on time, unless they are really too unwell to do so. As a parent in gauging the level of sickness, you should consider the relevant guidance, also taking into account if the sickness would prevent an adult from attending a place of work.
Good attendance habits start early in life with an expectation that your child will attend school every day. It is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child attends school every day, and that they are on time. We have a minimum expectation at Riders that all children should achieve at least a 96% attendance rate. Many children do achieve 100%.
On a day that your child is meant to be at school, you may think that you can give them permission to be at home but you cannot. The only person who can give permission for your child not to be at school on a school day is the Executive Head Teacher/Head of School.
If your child will be absent from school due to illness, you must telephone the school office on each morning of absence and explain the circumstances, by 9am on each morning of absence. You can leave a message on our answerphone if telephoning before 8am (office hours are 8am - 4pm). You can also e-mail in absences notifications and information to or When e-mailing, please clearly state your child's name and class, along with the reasons for absence, giving details of the illness.
These absences are likely to be authorised depending on if your child already holds an acceptable school attendance record. The Executive Head Teacher/Head of School can request from you medical evidence if the reasons given for absence, along with the length of absence warrant this.
Any absences that are not reported to school will be automatically be classified as unauthorised.
If your child is not unwell but you need to request a leave of absence, the Executive Head Teacher/Head of School can authorise up to 5 days for ‘exceptional’ circumstances. They will decide whether each application for leave is ‘exceptional’ or not based on the circumstances and prior attendance record for your child. In all cases, a ‘Leave of Absence’ request form must be completed. The following examples are unlikely to be authorised as exceptional;
If you report your child absent due to sickness and it is authorised but later evidence then suggests that the sickness was not genuine, the absence(s) will be made unauthorised.
At Riders we strongly believe, as a true community school, in working with you and others in the best interests of our children having the best life chances. If you are unsure about whether your child is well enough to attend school or not, or you need to discuss any issues that surround attendance matters, someone is always available to speak with. Please contact the school office, or your child’s Class Teacher if you need to.
Our Attendance Policy clearly includes your responsibilities for ensuring your child’s high attendance, and our responsibilities as a school.
If children miss school during a testing period, this will result in a penalty notice fine being issued, regardless of the previous attendance record.
May 2025 | Year 2 Testing and Assessment Period |
Monday 12th May - Thursday 15th May 2025 | Year 6 SATs Testing |
Monday 9th June - Friday 13th June 2025 | Year 1 Phonics Screening |
Monday 2nd June - Friday 13th June 2024 | Year 4 Multiplication Screening |
“Penalty Notice Warning in accordance with Hampshire County Council’s Code of conduct : If a child has any unauthorised absence during any formal examinations, testing or assessment as publicised via our school website or parent/carer newsletters this will result in the issuing of a Penalty Notice for non-attendance.”