The Federation of Riders Infant and Junior Schools
Standing together with our community to unlock opportunity and secure achievement for all.
Welcometo our Federation
Our vision and values
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
Promoting Fundamental British Values
In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.
Promoting British Values
The Department for Education states that: "Schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs."
At The Federation of Riders Infant and Junior Schools, we reinforce these values, through the education that we provide, in the following ways:
Pupils are always listened to by adults, and by their friends and peers. They are respectful to each other's views and opinions and they have a clear voice in the ways in which they lead their learning and their school. The School Council is representative of the school and we ensure that there is a fair whole school election process, based on pupils voting for their school council representatives. Children at Riders are very astute with school systems and fully involved in self assessing and peer assessing their learning, defining their next steps in learning, and voicing their interests through the robustness of these systems. Children are well aware that they have a voice and they know the leadership structure through the school. Children are taught about the British electoral system and about demonstrating democracy. The work of our Junior Road Safety Officers and Play Leaders also contribute to a democratic school community.
The Rule of Law
At The Federation of Riders Infant and Junior Schools, we strongly believe that excellent, and the most exemplary of behaviours comes from a deep understanding of the morals and values that underpin our society in Britain. Our core school values are as follows: Community, Opportunity and Achievement. We work with children through our curriculum teaching, class, key stage, and whole school assemblies and collective worship to ensure that these values underpin everything we do at school. This includes all stakeholders, adults (as role models) in modelling and demonstrating and inspiring our children, but also for our children in understanding how to be the best possible contributing citizens to our society. Children are well aware of the law and visits from the police for younger children allow them to have an awareness of who is there to help us, and who is there to enforce the law. Older children are taught about crime and punishment, reflecting that we all have responsibilities and that with responsibilities can come consequences. As a school, we set the highest expectations for our children and they have full ownership over their behaviours for conduct and learning based on our school values which mirror those in society. Each class set up their own class charters based on their needs and on our school values. Our home school agreement reflects our expectations of all stakeholders as a school, and we enforce the Rights Respects and Responsibilities charter across the school. The work of our Junior Road Safety officer and Play Leaders also contribute The Rule of Law within our school.
Individual Liberty
Children are actively encouraged to make choices knowing that they are well guided and supported in doing so. We believe that based on our school values, children should have the opportunities to make choices about their interests, opinions and beliefs in an environment that is safe but allows for exploring and risk taking. We want to empower our children to explore their own identities and interests, developing the skills and knowledge tailored to their individuality. School staff know the children extremely well, ensuring that we work with parents and families to cater for the individuality of all of our children. All children make choices about their learning, about their next steps, and about the activities that they are interested in. The school offers a wide range of clubs and activities to allow children to develop their individuality, again, all underpinned by our school value system. We ensure that we have the policies in place for children to exercise their individual liberty safely and securely, and that we work with other agencies to further ensure this.
Mutual Respect
We feel that one of the most contributing successes of our school, is that of mutual respect. Children appreciate the way in which adults respect them, and children in turn see the ways that adults take real care to respect each other. We respect each other so that we challenge opinions and not individuals. We have a very socially diverse community across our school and much of our mutual respect is underpinned not only by our school values, but by an excellence of equality. Children are very respectful and supportive of each other, in both their friendships and learning. We have ensured that we have put the systems and guidance in place for them to exercise respect in the actions that they undertake. We stand strongly that we are all people making up the same society and community, all with a role and purpose. Therefore, valuing each other through mutual respect is fundamental.
Tolerance of Those With Different Faiths And Beliefs
As a school community, our core value of 'Community' ensures that there is tolerance and respect of people with different faiths and beliefs. We ensure that children are well educated about these beliefs through the teaching of Religious Education, the Rights, Respecting and Responsibilities charter, and through our work with other schools, agencies such as the local church, and through the ways in which our core values underpin our school. Our children readily discuss their place within our culturally diverse society, their faith and beliefs and our children have a wide knowledge of how we are all different, but at the same time, the community that we all belong to. Children are respectful and sensitive to this. Again, our work is underpinned by our school values and equality.