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The Federation of Riders Infant and Junior Schools

Standing together with our community to unlock opportunity and secure achievement for all.

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The Federation of Riders Infant and Junior Schools

Standing together with our community to unlock opportunity and secure achievement for all.


Magical Maths Strategies

Mental Strategies: Number Bonds

Hello everyone, Here is a short video on using number bonds as a mental strategy.

Near Doubles

This video is on using a mental strategy called near doubles.

Bridging through 10: Part 1 - Addition

Hello everyone, Here is another mental strategy which is useful when adding two numbers whose total is greater than 10.

Bridging through 10: Part 2- Subtraction

Part 2 video for bridging through 10 (subtraction).

Mental Strategies: Known Number Facts

How can we use known number facts, in various ways, to solve calculations efficiently?

Mental Strategies: Adjustment Part 1 (Addition)

Adjusting numbers to efficiently solve calculations.

Mental Strategies: Adjustment Part 2 (Subtraction)

Estimation (part one) - Early years to KS1

An introduction to estimation aimed at Year R, 1 and 2.

Estimation (part two) - KS2

An introduction to estimation in KS2 (years 3, 4, 5 and 6).

Estimation (part three) - UKS2

Estimation extension for UKS2 (years 5 and 6).
